
[Blog post] Blog post for WP2 intervention

On October 17th 2023, the intervention developed in WorkPackage 2 was featured on the BioMedCentral blog. More details can be found here.

[Video Podcast] Project featured in "Research in the spotlight" by UEFISCDI

We are delighted to announce that on March 22 2023 UEFISCDI (Executive Agency for Higher Education, Research, Development, and Innovation Funding ) has featured our project in their "Research in the spotlight" material. Research in the spotlight is a video podcast for scientists and passionate science people having as protagonists the principal investigators (PI) of the Collaborative Research Projects funded in 2018 & 2019 calls under the Romanian Research Programme - EEA & Norway Grants. The video can be viewed below.

[Video Material] Project Ad for RO-NO-2019-0412

[Written Material] Project Flyer for RO-NO-2019-0412


  • The LGBT Inclusion team visits the UK during the 18th European Congress of Psychology to present the results obtained within the project. More details here.
  • Preliminary results of the intervention on teachers are presented at the 19th General Meeting of the European Association for Social Psychology. More details here.
  • During the Conference of the Association of Psychologists in Romania "Psychology in the era of digitalization" (June 2-4, 2023), the project team presents part of the preliminary results obtained. More details here.


dr. Nastasia Sălăgean
  • e-mail:

  • dr. Florin Alin Sava (Principal investigator)
  • phone: +40-(0)256-592311
  • e-mail: